Apr 24 Love1 3/23/15 Congrats to Rusty Hardin, Jeremy Monthy, Andy Drumheller, and the entire trial team from Rusty Hardin & Associates on their jury verdict today in Houston. It was a pleasure and privilege to be involved in this success story, as these fine professionals truly “get it” when it comes to juries. In fact, Rusty considers the courtroom to be his living room!! By Kelli Love News
Apr 21 Love0 3/21/15 Congrats to Michael Hurst, Shonn Brown, Joshua Sandler and the entire trial team from Gruber Hurst Elrod Johansen Hail Shank, LLP on their defense jury verdict in Dallas yesterday in a very contentious contract case. We are privileged and proud to have played a small role in yet another big success story for these trial lawyers. By Kelli Love News