Jun 26 Love0 June 5, 2019 Congrats to Kerry Scanlon, Jeremy White, and the entire trial team from McDermott, Will & Emery, LLP on their defense verdict on behalf of Alcon Labs. This was a 2+ week jury trial in Ft. Worth concerning an employment dispute. These fine professionals worked tirelessly to make sure the jury got this one right. It was a pleasure and a privilege to play a role in their successful outcome. And kudos to the trial jury for their time and for providing further proof that the jury system works. By Kelli Love News
Jun 26 Love0 May 24, 2019 Congrats to Mike Stolper and his team, as well as our clients Gentry Beach and Rob Vollero, on their $45M jury verdict ($90M with pre-trial interest) in NY on a breach of oral agreement case. This was a long-standing and contentious battle over money owed to portfolio managers within the hedge fund world. In the end, it may have boiled down to a case of character due the complexities involved in the financial transactions at issue. It was both a privilege and pleasure to contribute to this success story. By Kelli Love News