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Durie Tangri

June 24, 2021 Congrats to Leon Carter from Carter Arnett, Daralyn Durie from Durie Tangri, Melissa Smith from Gillam & Smith, and as well as the entire trial teams from those law firms on their defense verdict today on behalf of Activision. This was a high-profile copyright infringement jury trial in front of Judge Schroeder in Marshall, TX. And these fine professionals made it easy for the jury to get this one right. It was a pleasure and a privilege for us to play in role in this success story. Lastly, kudos to the jury members for their time and service.

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Congrats to Leon Carter from Carter Arnett, Daralyn Durie from Durie Tangri, Melissa Smith from Gillam & Smith, and as well as the entire trial teams from those law firms on their defense verdict today on behalf of Activision. This was a high-profile copyright infringement jury trial in front of Judge Schroeder in Marshall, TX. And these fine professionals made it easy for the jury to get this one right. It was a pleasure and a privilege for us to play in role in this success story. Lastly, kudos to the jury members for their time and service.