Jason Bloom interviewed on America Tonight with Kate Delaney , June 2012. CLICK TO LISTEN HERE
Jason Bloom discusses the Roger Clemens jury selection process on 570 KLIF News & Information in the Morning with Amy Chodroff and Dave Williams. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Jason Bloom interviewed on The Horn ESPN Austin with The Morning Rush. Click here to listen Clemens Perjury Trial on Morning Rush. June 2012
Jason Bloom, the founder and president of Bloom Strategic Consulting, Inc., is changing the way people look at trial by jury. Click here to listen to the interview.Overnight America with Jon Grayson
What if your life or fortune is on the line in a courtroom and 12 jurors hold your fate? Jason Bloom’s Bloom Strategic Consulting takes the mystery out of the judicial process by profiling the jury through mock trials and focus groups.CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Jason Bloom interviewed on America Tonight with Kate Delaney “Why Jury Consulting?” December 2011