December 13, 2021 Congrats to the trial teams from the Monsour Law Firm, the law firm of Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC, and the Thomas J. Henry Law Firm on their $22.5M jury verdict in Federal Court in Tallahassee, FL against 3M. This was a bellwether case in the combat earplug MDL that resulted in the largest verdict of the 8 bellwether cases tried thus far. The Plaintiff was Thomas Finley, who is one of thousands of veterans who claim the 3M combat earplugs sold to the military were defective and caused hearing loss. It was a privilege and pleasure to play a role in their success story. And, as always, kudos to the trial jury for their time and service as well as the Judge and Court staff for keeping the jury system running.