Post-trial interviews and mock jury research clearly reveal the jurors use their life experiences, pre-disposed beliefs, and attitudes in the deliberation room. Learning those dynamics at the outset of trial is critical, and thus jury selection becomes paramount to success in the courtroom.
At Bloom, we believe prospective jurors are like icebergs. What you see above water are their demographics, but below water are their life experiences, pre-disposed beliefs, and attitudes that more accurately predict whether a prospective juror may be dangerous or acceptable to your case. Our mission is to isolate and identify those dangerous traits that often liner below the surface, yet radically impact decision-making and perception; and we use our experiences and insight to do so, not hunches. We have assisted counsel with jury selection in venues nationwide by applying our strategic thinking to the following:
- Voir dire suggestions
- Juror profiling
- Drafting of supplemental juror questionnaires
- Review and ranking of supplemental juror questionnaires
- In-court consultation during jury selection