Jason Bloom delivers a CLE presentation “Beyond the Verdict: Top Ten Jury Decision – Making Mysteries Revealed” at Rockwall Bench Bar Conference, April 29, 2011
Jason Bloom delivers a CLE presentation “Voir Dire: Know Thy Jury” at the Advanced Trial Skills for Government Lawyers Course, Texas Bar CLE, Austin, TX, April 2011
Jason Bloom presented at the TXANS Annual Conference on “Lessons Learned from the Jury Box in Employment Matters” April 2011
“Strategies for Creating and Arming Jurors in the Closing Arguments.”
Texas Bar Journal, April, 2008 (co-authored with Trey Cox).
“The Jury Likes Me, The Jury Likes Me Not: Building Rapport in the Courtroom.”
The Advocate Magazine, Volume 31, Number 6, June, 2006.
“Programming and Persuasion in Voir Dire.”
DRI Advocacy Skills Series: The Art of Persuasion—Course Materials, June, 2002.
“Getting Your Message Across: Visual Aids and Demonstrative Exhibits in the Courtroom.”
Litigation, Vol. 27, Number 3, Spring 2001 (co-authored with Chip Babcock).
PDF: Litigation_Vol31